Hyung (Harry) Cho, MD, FACP, SFHM

Hyung (Harry) Cho, MD, FACP, SFHM

New York City Health + Hospitals

Vivian Jolley Bea, MD, MBS

Hyung (Harry) Cho, MD, FACP, SFHM, is a hospitalist physician and the inaugural Chief Value Officer, AVP for NYC Health + Hospitals system. It is the largest public health system in the US, spanning 11 hospitals, 5 post-acute care facilities, and 70 outpatient centers. His work aims to eliminate unnecessary testing and treatment that leads to physical and financial harm for patients. Prior to this role, he led the High Value Care Initiative at Mount Sinai Hospital, where in a span of 4 years, he built a team of over 90 volunteer faculty, residents, students, and interdisciplinary staff through 20 curricular and implementation initiatives to reduce overuse.

Nationally, he is Senior Fellow for Lown Institute, a nonprofit think tank that advocates overturning the high-cost, low-value US healthcare system. There he led the Right Care Educator program, implementing a high value care curriculum across 75 institutions across the US. Additionally, he is Chair of Society of Hospital Medicine’s High Value Care Committee, Chair of the Right Care Alliance Hospital Medicine Council, and Director of Quality Improvement Implementation for High Value Practice Academic Alliance - leading the development of national guidelines on overuse and systems-based approach to eliminate overuse in healthcare settings, including SHM Choosing Wisely recommendations. Since graduating from residency in 2011 (7 years), he received over 45 awards and recognition in value and quality, including national awards from AMA, SHM, ABIM Foundation, Lown Institute, and ACP Hospitalist.

2019Matthew McMurray