Christopher Boone, PhD, MHA, FACHE
Christopher Boone, PhD, MHA, FACHE
Vice President, Real World Informatics, Avalere Health
Adjunct Professor, Health Informatics, University of Cincinnati
There are several words to describe Dr. Christopher Boone: health futurist, social entrepreneur, executive, professor, patient advocate, and self-proclaimed “data hippie.” Boone is recognized as being a dynamic, innovative thought leader and a public voice on the power of health data and its ability to radically change the U.S. health care delivery system
Boone currently serves as the Vice President for Real World Informatics & Digital Strategies at Avalere Health, a professor at the University of Cincinnati, and a co-founder of a few start-up companies. Prior to Avalere, he was the Executive Director/CEO of the Health Data Consortium (HDC), a public-private partnership working to build a national movement on the use of open health data to transform the U.S. health care system.
Boone has appointments to several prominent national committees, including the Executive Board of Directors for the Patient Advocate Foundation and the National Patient Advocate Foundation, the National Quality Forum’s (NQF) Interoperability Committee, the advisory group for Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Data Across Sector for Health (DASH) initiative, the Board of Directors for SHARE for Cures, the Federal Health IT Policy Committee, the advisory group for the American Society of Clinical Oncologists CancerLinQ initiative, and the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics Working Group on HHS Data Access and Use.
Originally from Dallas, Texas, Dr. Boone earned a Bachelor of Science from the University of Tulsa, a Master of Science from the University of Texas at Arlington, a PhD from the University of Texas at Dallas, and two executive certificates from the Harvard Kennedy School. In addition, he is a fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives.