The National Health Index


About The Index

Web-Based Resources For Measuring The Health Of The American Population


Whether defining the impact of disease; or, making those critical decisions necessary for allocating healthcare resources, geography matters. Significant variations exist in the healthcare environment within any MSA, city, even zip code. The capacity to crystallize how disease prevalence, consumption patterns, costs, and outcomes affect our healthcare system within specific geographical areas is vital.

The National Health Index (NHI), a wholly–owned subsidiary of the National Minority Quality Forum, provides demographic intelligence about chronic disease prevalence, costs, outcomes, and associated trends.   Our chronic disease search engine provides the most comprehensive reservoir of healthcare information, derived from multiple data sources, at the zip code level.  Diabetes, heart disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, obesity, and other common and rare chronic diseases represent the NHI repository, powered by a database that represents more than 900 million patient files.

Who Benefits From The National Health Index?

  • Healthcare industries who need to identify potential new markets where gaps in therapeutic treatments and outcomes exist.

  • Healthcare providers who not only need to reach high-risk populations, but also monitor the success of any intervention.

  • Patient and public health advocates validating disparities in healthcare prevalence, treatment, and outcomes.

  • Clinical researchers who need to accelerate enrollment of special populations in clinical trials.

Learn More About The National Health Indexes

For more information, please contact the Forum:

Allison Davis